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Sunday, April 29, 2018

 Black chockers are nice, but they can get boring and also pretty dark for spring and summer. In my latest diy tutorial I made 4 styles and they all turned out AMAZING! I get compliments everywhere I go. Link to my video below.

Needless to say I felt kind of like a rainbow walking! ^_^ Do you holo?

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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Painting Easter Eggs? Yes, but only the ones on my necklace.
 I needed a place for my new necklace, so it was only fitting that I rest my eggs in this garden jewelry dish.
 Forget bracelets, I will wear my phone instead, especially when it looks this cute!
 Giant size egg shaped bath bombs! How gorgeous are these???

Here is the video with four tutorials. I hope you enjoy it.
What do you do for spring break?

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