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Monday, February 29, 2016

Since I started doing early spring cleaning recently, I decided to take it upon myself to post about the weekly cleaning I do. What is that you say??? The dreaded makeup brushes! 

Time to bust out the good old shampoo, AND conditioner and clean these babies out. Remember to thoroughly dry them for a while. I use a blow dryer on the cold setting to speed up the dry time because the heat setting obviously would melt the glue and destroy my blushes. 
If you use two sets of brushes like some people I know, it is a good idea to keep one set in a container that does not allow dust to get to the brushes, like a drawer, a makeup bag, or even a plastic zip.

These are just my travel bag items that need cleaning. I don't want to show the whole mess. :)

Along with the makeup brushes, of course, I needed to and wanted to wipe down all of my makeup stuff with sanitizing wipes because they can get quite grimy.  It is such a pain in my neck to clean the makeup and brushes, but we have to do it for the sake of beauty.
I'm curious to know how many people dread the washing of the brushes as well. I think they should self clean.

Happy Cleaning. Fendora

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Sunday, February 28, 2016

The rain is here for a while.

So glad to be in California and being able to get much needed rain.
This is our weather this week.

I can't wait for Spring to be here in March. The weather here has been pretty cold and I just want some beautiful sunshine to warm everything up and boost my mood! While that happens though, I will settle for surrounding myself with happy and colorful things like flowers. 

I remembered that I planted some tulips last fall and now these guys are growing in my back yard!!!
(The rain got them a little bit beat up and I am holding them up for the pic, but they ARE beautiful.)

They are doing so well! They are huge bulbs! I know, my flower bed is incredibly horrible. The grass is barely even growing and there are weeds, but I am so pleased that my flowers did well this winter. Tomorrow won't be raining, and I will tend to my weed pulling and cleaning the flowerbed for spring time to arrive.

Now to get some cleaning done around the house to start the day. Making breakfast and some yummy coffee. I don't think I will go for a walk on the beach since it is dumping outside.
Stay dry out there. Fendora
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Saturday, February 27, 2016

So, after munching on some delicious cookies, I leave some crumbs and guess what I find? 
A sneaky little critter whose head got stuck in the cookie jar, or in this case the cookie bag. 

So, of course mother had to go to the rescue. 
She wasn't really stuck. The whole bag was cut down the side, but her fur probably made her feel like it was a tight fit or something. All I know is that she was going in reverse all the way to my little desk area. 

Still it was very funny to see her in reverse for two seconds. Sneaky chunky butt <3

Then after pigging out on some sweets, off to the beach for a good 6.6 mile walk.

Happy weekend all. Fendora

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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Last December I was thinking of getting my nieces coloring books as part of their gifts to keep them busy, and while I was looking at books I thought to myself, why is it that we only think kids should color? I like coloring too. Why aren't adults coloring?

Turns out we do! I just didn't know about it, but there is a whole different type of coloring book genre for adults. It is supposed to be relaxing and help with stress. So I gave it a try. I bought two books. 

I must say, it takes quite a bit to color one of these pictures. There is so much detail and that is why you end up working on stress. You are so focused on the little nooks and crannies on each image, that you don't think of anything else but staying within the drawing lines. Fine tip markers work best in my opinion. I used colored pencils for most of this butterfly and I think the areas where I did use markers looks better. 

There are so many beautiful images, and when you are done coloring them, you can use them to decorate your environment and also by framing it. Beautiful!

Happy coloring. Fendora

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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Lately I have been having so many issues with my smartphone.
Ok, maybe it is a few years old but I take care of my stuff and my things don't just break.

My phone was working just fine, and suddenly it would just go on and off without a cause. I was actually trying to use it and it would just immediately turn off when I swiped it to unlock. So frustrating! If anyone out there has had similar issues, please let me know what you did to fix it. Should I get a new battery? or new phone altogether? 

Source: Samsung Galaxy S4-
Source: Samsung Galaxy S4: 

I went to my cell phone provider and they did not know what to do with it since it would not come on at all now. How do I get my pictures and video that is on the phone then? They tried a new battery and it didn't do anything different. Nothing helped. Time to solve this dilema. 

Don't let your phone turn YOU off. Fendora

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Saturday, February 20, 2016

Let's get cracking!

Time to bust out the cleaning supplies and get ourselves organized and clean all the nooks and crannies. You know what I am talking about...dust around baseboards, blinds, and grime in the oven. 

First organizing the to-do list items, and arrange by categories.

After general house clean up, now get a good scouring of the blinds, windows, and shower walls.
Some of my cleaning products:Lysol, Lime-a-way, Ajax, Windex.

After all that mess is cleaned up. Time to enjoy a nice cup of joe and relax.

Stay grime and allergen free. Fendora

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Thursday, February 18, 2016

With a ton of cardboard boxes lying around, what should I do? Scratcher toys for the cats.

Today, I wanted to take care of something for my babies( cats) and so I decided make a bunch of cat scratchers. I had a lot of cardboard boxes lying around and so I decided to take it upon myself to recycle that cardboard and to also help my cats with their scratching needs. It also helps that I don't want my furniture scratched up; (let's not forget that important factor.) ^_^

glued strips

So I went and gathered the supplies and got to work. Let the glue dry,did the clean up, and in the mean time clipped their nails so that they don't just destroy the things I made in one go. I like staying busy and doing all kinds of DIY projects no matter where I am. For me, if I don't stay busy I end up bored. 

So it all came out well and now they have several items with which to go nuts scratching. 

Made a box out of a piece of cardboard in which to place the scratcher. 

For decorative purposes, I wrapped it in gift wrapping paper. So sparkly! 
There you have it... my finished cat scratcher. :) 

It has been a rainy day and it is chilly out. I stayed in and took care of some early spring cleaning, but I really have to get to more of it soon. More of that in a different blog. For now I want to remind readers that mold and dust are more present during the cold winter months when moisture and lack of air circulation takes place in the home. So please crack open some windows and remember to have control of dust by cleaning.

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Monday, February 15, 2016

Valentine's Day just passed. Dreaded Monday is here right? Well Mondays are actually my weekend right now, therefore, I am thinking on how to spend it with my special guy. Planning stuff like this takes me back to simpler times when I was in elementary school and we would receive Valentine's from the whole class. Does anyone remember those times? You know, waiting for the moment when your crush would come by handing you your own "special" candy and/or card; and I mean "special" because let's face it, it was no more special than anyone else's, but somehow because you liked that kid, you made it in your mind to consider, and treasure the darn thing that much more. ^_^

Friendships as children were so innocent and pure. You knew who was good and who wasn't. You didn't have to pretend or be politically correct. One just stayed away from the bullies and the "pretty" girls who told us mean things.

To all those parents who took the time and spent the money to buy their kid's classmates candy and cards for holidays, THANK YOU. I remember the ice cream and candy and lots of food we all had those days. Silly times full of laughter.
Those were awesome times for a lot of us kids. Those memories will give kids something positive.
Maybe that's why they remain "good times" in my memories? All that sugar! Go figure.
Now I feel for my teachers, all of them really. 30 kids all hopped up on sugar, soda, ice cream, chips,and brownies! Good grief.

The day for love and friendships needs to be cherished because REAL friends are rare, and love, real LOVE is even harder to come by if at all. So when you find it, don't take it for granted. Friendships, as long as they are genuine and non destructive or selfish towards others are to be celebrated. So to all the wonderful friends, and loved ones I have had and still have in my life, thank you. To my Real love, thank you for being mine and choosing me to be yours.

Remember to cherish love. It's not just a word. It's what makes life worth it. Fendora

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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Hi there,

I am here for the first time giving this blogger thing a go. I am not too familiar with it yet, but I think it will be a great outlet for me to share my thoughts with people out there and hopefully I can get some feedback. 

I have always kept diaries throughout my life and this way I don't have to just be alone with some of the thoughts, concerns or things that I care about. It is kind of like a written-time capsule. I love time-capsules of all sorts because it takes me back to a certain moment and whether it is good or bad, I can look back at it and remember the good with joy or know the bad is no longer bad and I over came it.

I won't make this post too long since I don't really know how this all works. For now I just want to say hello and welcome to my blog.  To all who value love, Happy Valentine's Day.

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