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Monday, February 29, 2016

Love-Hate Relationship With My Makeup.

Since I started doing early spring cleaning recently, I decided to take it upon myself to post about the weekly cleaning I do. What is that you say??? The dreaded makeup brushes! 

Time to bust out the good old shampoo, AND conditioner and clean these babies out. Remember to thoroughly dry them for a while. I use a blow dryer on the cold setting to speed up the dry time because the heat setting obviously would melt the glue and destroy my blushes. 
If you use two sets of brushes like some people I know, it is a good idea to keep one set in a container that does not allow dust to get to the brushes, like a drawer, a makeup bag, or even a plastic zip.

These are just my travel bag items that need cleaning. I don't want to show the whole mess. :)

Along with the makeup brushes, of course, I needed to and wanted to wipe down all of my makeup stuff with sanitizing wipes because they can get quite grimy.  It is such a pain in my neck to clean the makeup and brushes, but we have to do it for the sake of beauty.
I'm curious to know how many people dread the washing of the brushes as well. I think they should self clean.

Happy Cleaning. Fendora

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